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 Photoshop - Beginners

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PostSubject: Photoshop - Beginners   Photoshop - Beginners I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2009 8:13 am

So...You want to start learning Gfx and become good like the most of us? Well, read below and you'll find out some good guides that will be very useful, and you will most likely use almost every time you use photoshop.

Step 1: The Basics - Downloading Photoshop
You can download photoshop virus free at the following link: http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/photoshop/
- It's easy to download, but takes very long, so if you wondering if you did something wrong, you didn't.
Just select "Download free trial" < It's on the left, just under the photoshop cs3 case icon.

Step 2: Keygen, or spend a lot?
Okay. If you are willing to spend $649 USD moolah, be my guest. But if you want to use the illegal way, like most people do (I'm not pushing or forcing you to), download a keygen. Keygen is easier terms is a Key Generator. It generates a serial number, so when you enter it in photoshop cs3, it says that you purchased the product, but this is completely illegal to adobe.

Step 3: Learning the basics in photoshop
Now. This is the most confusing part for new people, but keep in mind, you first sig is NEVER going to come out perfect like everyone else's, unless you are just a complete genius with a perfect 4.0 GPA for highschool, when you only elementary school.

When you open photoshop, in the top left corner, select "file" > "new"...I would reccomend these dimensions: 350(width)x(by)120(height)

Now...Find a background that you want to use for your signature.
An incredible site to use for renders(backgrounds) is the following link: http://www.planetrenders.net/renders

Planetrenders is the best render website known to man/and or woman. You will basically use this site all the time.

Now copy and paste the image into you photoshop cs3, simply by clicking copy and paste? Now, was that hard?
Didn't think so.
Move your image around so you are comfortable on what you want your signature to look like. Okay, for a first, I would reccomend smudging and/or burning the background. Simply by looking through the tools on the left side. You will have to right click for more tools when you're looking over the icons. Now, smudge and/or burn whatever you want If you mess up, you can always click ctrl+alt+z or simply click the "step backward button"
Now, you want to find a sprite/stock, I would reccomend the following link: http://www.planetrenders.net/renders...s.php?album=17

Or you could find a cartoon or person on google images, or anywhere else across the internet.

Now copy and paste that sprite/stock into your signature..Delete the background of that image that you just pasted in, by selecting the eraser tool, and carefully erase around the sprite/stock. This gets a load easier as you get more advanced and more known with photoshop.

You can smudge and/or burn the sprite/stock too if you want, but I would set the opacity lower than 100% if it's really bright. Simply by click layer/layer style/blending options.

Adding a light source in. Click on renders and select "light source" or something close to that Razz (It's the second one from the bottom)

Step 4: Adding text

If you are satisfied with your signature, now you add some text. If you are not satisfied with your text, download some new fonts. I would reccomend the following website: http://www.dafont.com/

Now, download the font, and if you are on vista, click the start button and search for "fonts"...You will then find a folder, open it and there should be a bunch of fonts inside there. Inside the font folder you downloaded, there is an icon similar to the "fonts" folder. Drag it into the "font" folder.

Now...Add you text in your sig

So...There were four easy steps to making a signature, and they were clearly explained. I hope this guide helped you newcomers, and...Study TuTs all across the internet to become better in photoshop.

And...DO NOT RIP OTHER PEOPLE'S SIGNATURES. "Rip" means steal it, and take credit for it. You WILL be caught, trust me.

Have Fun In Photoshop!

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PostSubject: Re: Photoshop - Beginners   Photoshop - Beginners I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2009 10:48 am

awesome and thanks a lot! ive been w8tin for someone to post on how to use photoshop =]
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PostSubject: Re: Photoshop - Beginners   Photoshop - Beginners I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2009 11:11 am

Im very glad you would like for everyone to take in the Ability to Use GFX
Amazing guide ;D
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PostSubject: Re: Photoshop - Beginners   Photoshop - Beginners I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2009 12:14 pm

Thanks guys, i was adding pictures but the copywright thing, its illegal, sorry guys.

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soul in pain

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PostSubject: Re: Photoshop - Beginners   Photoshop - Beginners I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 07, 2009 11:39 am

One word, Amazing. good job

soul in pain
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PostSubject: Re: Photoshop - Beginners   Photoshop - Beginners I_icon_minitime

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