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 ichi you are worst mod ever you didn't even think before you did

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ichi you are worst mod ever you didn't even think before you did Empty
PostSubject: ichi you are worst mod ever you didn''t even think before you did   ichi you are worst mod ever you didn't even think before you did I_icon_minitimeTue May 19, 2009 6:33 pm

fist of all i was a noob a guy gave me a dplate i was happy and i didn't know wat was a dupe and now i am jailed nice job ichi. Evil or Very Mad
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ichi you are worst mod ever you didn't even think before you did Empty
PostSubject: Re: ichi you are worst mod ever you didn't even think before you did   ichi you are worst mod ever you didn't even think before you did I_icon_minitimeTue May 19, 2009 7:12 pm

That so? well, might I remind you that I said "I don't think you duped, but I need to be sure until Elite checks your logs.". Secondly, you've told me that you killed abbyssal demons and got whips, and sold them to get your money. Well, seeing as whips sell for about 800k each, and you have about 175mil total in items, and you told me you bought them all, using the money you got from abbyssal whips, that means that you've sold 218.75 whips. That must have been one hell of a pain in the ass, so tell me, how did you do it? Did you hack elite's computers, and create a "P ring", and give it to your account? Wow, you must be a pro hacker. Otherwise, if a d plate was given to you, but you also earned it by selling whips, you certainly have mastered the impossible. Aswell as the fact that if you lied about earning it, and it was given to you, it must have been duped, because nobody would give away a dragon plate just like that. Not if it costed them something, no, it must have been duped. In conclusion, I would like to let you know, that I have only done my job, in making that decision, and you would do well to shut your mouth before you lie next time, kay?

Roflcopter wrote:
also, can we get a check on running law's he refuses to tell me if he has duped items, yet he
had no money before elf tank had joined, I just have it within suspision.

By the way, you misspelled your name.
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ichi you are worst mod ever you didn't even think before you did Empty
PostSubject: Re: ichi you are worst mod ever you didn't even think before you did   ichi you are worst mod ever you didn't even think before you did I_icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2009 2:46 am

Another correction too, Ichimaru Gin isn't a mod, he is an Admin and he earned it, he is doing his job extremely well. And Ichi, Just ban these people, you have more than enough proof.
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ichi you are worst mod ever you didn't even think before you did Empty
PostSubject: Re: ichi you are worst mod ever you didn't even think before you did   ichi you are worst mod ever you didn't even think before you did I_icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2009 8:34 am

This has already been solved, someone lock this please~

Thank you

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ichi you are worst mod ever you didn't even think before you did Empty
PostSubject: Re: ichi you are worst mod ever you didn't even think before you did   ichi you are worst mod ever you didn't even think before you did I_icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2009 9:54 am

Okay, Locked
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ichi you are worst mod ever you didn't even think before you did Empty
PostSubject: Re: ichi you are worst mod ever you didn't even think before you did   ichi you are worst mod ever you didn't even think before you did I_icon_minitime

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ichi you are worst mod ever you didn't even think before you did
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