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 Hi Im Michael [in game name is Hodford]

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Join date : 2010-11-26

Hi Im Michael [in game name is Hodford] Empty
PostSubject: Hi Im Michael [in game name is Hodford]   Hi Im Michael [in game name is Hodford] I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 26, 2010 11:40 pm

Hellow, Hodford/Michael
I decided to play runescape private servers a long time ago, and very well experienced in them.
I hope to become mod/admin on this server.
Everything is explained below.
Hope you enjoy.
Real life name: Michael
In game name: Hodford

Age: 18
Where I live(general location): Newastle
Education: In the middle of Highscool
Out of school hobbies: Basketball, Hockey, Karate, Soccer, and Football.
In-game Name: Hodford
Forum Name: Hodford
MSN contact: Michaelf247@hotmail.com
AIM contact: N/A
Yahoo contact: N/A
GMail contact: N/A

I have been Admin 5+ times on private servers that I know of, and 10+ times being a Mod. I have been an owner of one server and co-owner on the other.
I am very well experienced.

Coding languages: Html, C++, XML.

How well versed are you in said languages: Very well versed in Html and C++. Minor in XML.

What applications do you use: Everything I need. (I have about 30 programs i use for programming) if you need them ill give them.

Previous examples: Ive made 'hacks' for Soldier Front. And ive made a Runescape Private Server but quit it to help you guys out

Bugs/problems found in the server: None

Why do I want to become a admin/moderator: I have been waiting a long time to get the friends and courage to make an application for Admin/moderator on a server like this. It is hard to imagine that you will get denied after you put so much work into helping people and even more work into making the application. I love this server, and love everyone in it. I can see that some staff don't respond to people all the time, and people need to calm down about that, ask someone at home maybe, or even another staff member. I think that I can be a real help to that because I love to help people and would really love to support this server and make it even better. I can help the server in many ways, maybe even make a few guides for new members or something useful for people.

Some type of Email?: Yes, facebook and Myspace, but I don't get on either that often. If I have to, I would be happy to, but if I don't, I only get on a few times a week to check my emails and things.

Any Experience being staff before?: Oh yes. I have been staff on so many servers, I cannot count anymore. I have been one of the most respected mods/admins in a lot of servers because of how much I hang out with the players and help them. I have also been the owner of one a while back ago, but quit because a lot of work is needed to be done. I have been a co-owner several times, and played private servers over 5 years of my life basically.

Activity: I am usually on from 4:00pm - 9:00pm then a few hours or less after that, I get on for longer ( that is on the weekdays) On the weekends, I stay on all weekend and do as much as possible. I live in the U.S. in Arkansas.

Location (Home ect.): I live in a small town called Shortland. I find it comfy here because it isn't so crowded, and it is easy to get around. School is nice and I have a bunch of friends.

Friends?: I have some of my friends on the server, and no body really doesn't like me. I never hate on people and always try to have fun with them. If they start hating on me, I don't hate back, I just try to get them to like me more.

Thank you guys so much for reading my application and helping me out! Peace.

-Hodford aka Michael
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Join date : 2009-05-02

Hi Im Michael [in game name is Hodford] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi Im Michael [in game name is Hodford]   Hi Im Michael [in game name is Hodford] I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 8:11 pm

Welcome, bro!

However, as of now there is no need to post any type of application. I didn't even read it, to be honest. There is no server, yet. Silly. ;D

Any how, I hope you stay with us, and check back often!
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Hi Im Michael [in game name is Hodford]
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