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 Rules Of EliteScape

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Join date : 2009-04-12
Location : In Front Of My Computer

Rules Of EliteScape Empty
PostSubject: Rules Of EliteScape   Rules Of EliteScape I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 13, 2009 6:46 am

Admin/Mod Rules:

No Abusing Powers-If you get caught you will get a warning. If it happens again you get a demotion or a ban.

No Giving Players Items-If you get caught you will get demoted, no exceptions!

Help New Members-You were chosen for a reason to be an Admin/Mod, if a player needs help please help him/her.
In-Game Rules:

No Spamming-If you spam you will be muted for 5 days, if your caught doing it again perm. mute.

No Autoing-If you are caught autoing you will get a 5 day ban. The second offense you get ip banned.

No Luring-If your caught luring you will be warned, if your caught a second time banned.

No Scamming-Scamming other players is against the rules! If you are caught doing this and refuse to give the player back his/her items, you get permanitly banned! If you confess you will either be warned or will get a 5 day ban. (Depends on how many offenses you have already)

No Offensive Language-If another player annoys you please don't take it upon yourself to curse at him/her. Tell a moderator/administrator.

No Harrassment-If you are caught harrassing another staff member/player you will be warned, if it continues you get a 5 day mute.

No Racism-This is not tolerable, you will get a 5 day ban if you are caught doing this, if you are caught a second time you get ip banned.

No Hacking-If you hack another player's account (and we will know who you are after you do it) you will be ip banned!

No Item Duping-All I can say is don't try it... If you get caught you get ip banned.
Forum Rules:

No Spamming-Don't try it, if you get caught you get warned and if you continue to spam you get a 5 day ban.

No Offensive Language-You will get warned at first and if it continues you get a 5 day ban.

No Harrassment-If you are caught harrassing another staff member/player you will be warned, if it continues you get a 5 day mute.

No Porn-The first offense is an ip ban.

No Racism-Like I said before just don't do it or you'll be banned for 5 days.

No Plagiarism-If you steal someone else's work you will be banned for five days the first offense, and an ip ban the second.

No Double Posting-Please post everything you want others to know in one post, don't spam and post multiple posts.

No Posting on an old topic/Gravedigging-Theres no point in posting on an old topic, just don't do it.
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