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 Killapazila1's Admin app

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PostSubject: Killapazila1's Admin app   Killapazila1's Admin app I_icon_minitimeMon May 04, 2009 11:17 pm

1. Username:Killapazila1

2. Age:13

3. Location:Australia

4. Do you have experience of being an admin on another server(s)?: (Don't lie because we will find out)nope but i would like to

5. If yes, what ones

6. Why should we choose you to be an admin?:Well,Im trustworthy, reliable and loyal to the server

7. What will you do to improve the server?:I will do in all my power to stop item duping, hacking, cheating and adverting, help fix bugs, and help new players around the server.I will also try and keep the server fun by holding events.
E.g. A hide and seek event. where the mod/ admin goes to hide and normal players go find him. 1st 2nd and 3rd player to find gets a prize

8. Will you abuse your powers?:no way. Its mainly about helping the economy

9. How would you ban a hacker?:hmm...if i saw a hacker, i would bann the account first, if the hacker starts again. i would IP ban

10."A player starts spamming the server with an auto shout". What would you do in this situation?I would warn the player first and if continued to spam. mute

11. What will you do if a person asks you for an item?:I would say no nicely, walk away or ignore

12. Would you make fun of another person if they were not chosen?:NO WAY lol, im not that kind of person and its against the rules...

13. Will you leave if you don't get that job?:No as I said im loyal to ther server..well i think im loyal lol

14. Will you help other players on the server?:Yes, i will help other players. But i will not spawn items for them.

THANKS for reading. Hope to make admin. TY

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Killapazila1's Admin app Empty
PostSubject: Re: Killapazila1's Admin app   Killapazila1's Admin app I_icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 12:42 pm

Status: Pending
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